Discover Natural Pain Relief in Bucks County, Pa.

Discover Natural Pain Relief in Bucks County, Pa.

Natural Pain ReliefNatural pain relief is less expensive, less invasive, and often more successful than traditional Western medicine.  You may have found this yourself if you’ve sought out acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic care for your pain relief.

If you’re like many of our health-conscious patients, you’re looking to discover natural pain relief in Bucks County, Pa. You’ve heard chiropractic care can reduce dependence on prescription pain killers and you want to know more. Or, maybe you’re new to the Doylestown area and are looking for a reputable chiropractor.

We’re happy to help you find natural pain relief. First, let’s address the importance of the spine real quick. If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “the spine is your lifeline,” then you have an idea. It connects your body from head to toe and allows you to bend and move in all the ways you do. Keeping it healthy and flexible is important to your mobility and overall health.

Chiropractic Treatments Have Many Benefits Beyond Back Pain

Since your body is connected, from one part to another, it makes sense to treat the whole body.

Reduce tension headaches

Do you have tension in your shoulders and neck? In other words, you’re like millions of Americans. This tension can travel up your neck and cause your head to ache. Researchers at the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center in Durham, NC, found that spinal manipulation from chiropractic care gave immediate relief to participants.

Relieve arm, neck, and back pain – Your spine has thousands of nerves. These nerves connect your spine to every part of your body and as a result, many common and chronic pains are due to a misalignment with those nerves that can be corrected with chiropractic care. We’re talking about pain like carpal tunnel syndrome and shoulder pain brought on by repetitive tasks.

Boost your immune system – Your immune system and your central nervous system are closely related. As you may know, when your spine is out of alignment, it puts stress on other parts of your body to compensate because bones, ligaments, and tendons aren’t where they need to be. It’s annoying to your nervous system like having a pebble in your shoe. If not treated, it can weaken your immune system over time.

Minimize Sciatic Pain – The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. It runs down the back, through the buttocks, and into the lower leg. It can feel like pins and needles or numbness in the foot or leg. Or, it may be debilitating pain as it affects everyone differently. Chiropractic care reduces the pressure on your affected muscles or organs to relieve your pain. If you’re in sciatic pain, chiropractic care may be able to help!

Treat Allergies – Food and seasonal allergies are indications of a weakened immune system. (Do you sense a theme here?) Subluxation is a term that refers to your bones being out of place. For example, when your spine is out of alignment, it affects everything else including your nervous system. As a result, many of my patients with seasonal allergies find natural treatment with chiropractic care.

As you know, your body is a sophisticated instrument requiring regular maintenance to stay healthy.  For instance, when you choose healthy foods, plenty of sleep and exercise, and natural pain relief, you may find you have plenty of energy and stay healthier.

In summary, if you’re in pain, discover natural pain relief in Bucks County, Pa. McQuite Chiropractic offers an initial free consultation to see if chiropractic treatment can help you. You deserve to feel your best!

How Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain Helps You

How Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain Helps You

Shoulder PAinShoulder pain can stem from a number of causes including a rotator cuff injury, carpal tunnel syndrome or a pinched nerve. These can be chronic, nagging and even debilitating pains.

Five muscles make up your shoulder. Together they allow you to type, play golf, drive a car, even wash your hair. When one or more of these are injured, you may feel the pain radiating down your arm and into your hand. Or, it may be more concentrated in your shoulder. Either way, it will get in the way of completing daily tasks and your enjoyment of life.

Shoulder pain can show up in a variety of ways including swelling, recurring pain or the lack of mobility in your arm, neck or shoulder area.

If you’re suffering with shoulder pain, you can ice it for 15-20 minutes to numb it. Then, come in to see your chiropractor and get an Xray. This will determine the source of the pain so your chiropractor can recommend a treatment plan. Because, after all, you can’t heal something if you don’t know what the problem is.

How Chiropractic Care Relieves Shoulder Pain

Your chiropractor will make a determination based on your Xrays. He or she will manipulate the tendons and muscles in and around the area of pain as necessary and make adjustments that will re align your body.

This “resets” your muscles and bone structure so they return to their rightful positions putting your body back into alignment, so you don’t feel chronic pain. Your chiropractor will often prescribe therapeutic exercises and make other recommendations for healing too so you start feeling better quickly.

How Quickly Will You Find Relief?

While some people feel immediate relief, others may take a couple of visits before they feel better. A series of regular visits will help your body heal so you can get back to doing the things your love – pain-free.

If you’re in the Central Bucks, PA area, Dr. Jeff McQuaite has a terrific new patient special.

Prevent Running Injuries with a Chiropractor

Prevent Running Injuries with a Chiropractor

Prevent Running InjuriesAh, Spring….if you’re a runner, chances are you’re eager to get off the treadmill and run outside again. Maybe you’re gearing up for one of the Spring 5K’s and need to get into top form.

Unfortunately, many runners set themselves back by weeks because they overdo it at the first sign of warm weather. Don’t be one of those!

In addition to your running and nutrition plan, a Chiropractor Castle Hill can help prevent running injuries that can set you back weeks in your training. There are multiple reasons running injuries can occur including ill-fitting shoes, overexertion, or acute injury such as a torn ligament or broken bone.

Two chronic injuries common to runners are plantar fascitis, which is a tearing (or overstretching) of the connective tissue at the bottom of the foot, and achilles tendonitis, which connects the heel with the calf muscle.

Don’t Be Sidelined with a Running Injury This Spring!

In order to protect yourself from these and other injuries, it’s important to start slow and not come bursting out of the gate like a bull in the bull ring as soon as the daffodils start poking through the ground. Slow and steady will warm up your muscles and help your body acclimate.

It’s often better to under do it at first. Err on the side of caution those first few runs.

Three Ways to Prevent Running Injuries

  1. Change It Up: When you vary your running surfaces – pavement vs. dirt or grass for instance, your body will make allowances and adjustments for each. This is beneficial because it’ll work your muscles differently. When you run the same course consistently, your muscles get used to that surface and the way you run on it which won’t vary much. This puts you at a greater risk of injury.
  2. Build Strength: You’ll also want to do regular strength training in order to build up the muscles around your joints. The muscles protect your joints and help distribute the weight so that when you run, your joints aren’t taking all the shock.
  3. Maintain Alignment: Regular chiropractic care will keep your body in alignment. Your chiropractor will adjust your spine, neck and pelvis as needed. If your spine or pelvis is out of alignment, this will put pressure on certain joints/muscles and can lead to injury. When you’re in alignment, the weight is evenly distributed and there is less risk of injury.

Dr. Jeff McQuaite is a Doylestown area chiropractor who can help you prevent running injuries this spring and he has a great new patient special.

Can You Avoid Carpal Tunnel Surgery?

Can You Avoid Carpal Tunnel Surgery?

Has your doctor recommended surgery for your hand and wrist pain? Do you want to explore other options before going the surgery route? After all, carpal tunnel surgery can leave you unable to use your hand for up 12 weeks!

There may be other solutions.

Ergonomic workstation – carpal tunnel is a repetitive stress injury. It’s essentially a pinched nerve running down your forearm and into your hand. It’s aggravated by slumping and looking down for long periods. Check your posture. Rounded shoulders and upper back are typical of hours at the computer.
If you’re hunched over your computer all day, it can lead to neck and back pain as well as carpal tunnel problems.

You can adjust your work area by adjusting your chair and raising your monitor so it’s eye level.

Ergonomic keyboards and wearable wrist supports can help too. Making these changes to your work area is a good place to start to reduce the amount of pain that you’re experiencing. Unfortunately for some people, this won’t help with their pain and if this is the case, it’s time to start thinking about some alternative treatments. Many people in recent years have turned to natural products such as 100% cannabis oil and cannabinoids to help treat chronic pain, and they can provide some relief from the symptoms of carpal tunnel. Cannabis has been used for hundreds of years to treat pain and help muscles relax so it might be something that can help. Be sure to do your research on sites like before purchasing any strain. It may be that you would prefer to take these orally, or you could smoke it. Alternatively, before having to consider the possibility of having surgery, you may want to try a product such as kratom which is known to help with issues like chronic pain. So you might want to Find Kratom Near Me if you’re looking for help with managing your pain. Check with your doctor first if you would like more information.

Carpal TunnelChiropractic treatment –Your spine connects to your arm, wrist and hand through nerves, muscles, tendons and a series of bones. When these bones and muscles are out of alignment, this will contribute to your chronic pain. Chiropractic adjustments will realign your spine and reduce pain.
Regular massage—a monthly massage can help your muscles release tension so they’re more pliable. When combined with regular chiropractic treatments, you’ll get the most benefit.
The chiropractic adjustment realigns your spine while the massage realigns your muscles and helps them hold your spinal adjustment longer.

When used in conjunction these three options may reduce your need for carpal tunnel surgery. Considering the pain of surgery and the downtime, isn’t it worth it? After all, surgery on your dominant hand can leave you unable to work for up to three months.

If you’re in the Doylestown area, Dr. Jeff McQuaite will take Xrays to establish a baseline and offer you a full range of options.

Chiropractic Care and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chiropractic Care and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you’re one of the millions who spend long hours at the computer, you may suffer with pain in your wrist, fingers, and/or shoulder. The repetitive motions of computer keystrokes can lead to a pinched nerve in the wrist known as carpal tunnel syndrome.

This pinched nerve can lead to painful tingling in the fingers, and a shooting pain right up to the shoulder. You may even see swelling in your hand or fingers.

So what can you do?

Since you probably aren’t able to stop using the computer, you can manage your pain with a combination of an ergonomic workstation, an anti-inflammatory diet and heat therapy. Chiropractic care helps for many people too.

Is Your Work Area Optimal for You?

In order to prevent and manage this carpal tunnel syndrome, make sure your computer work area is adjusted for your height. Your computer monitor should be at eye level. If you find yourself looking down to type for hours a day, that puts a strain on your neck that can cause pain in your back, your shoulder and ultimately, your arm, wrist and hand.

Make sure your chair supports your back and helps you to sit with good posture. If you’re slumped over all day, that will lead to low energy (because you’re not breathing deeply and evenly) plus, it can lead to back pain.

Anti inflamatory dietEat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation is the body’s way of healing itself. If you’re in feeling pain or see swelling that’s your body’s way of sending chemicals to the affected area to try and heal it. Chronic inflammation can make it worse. Certain foods like broccoli, bell peppers and other vegetables will help lower your inflammation levels.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Regular chiropractic adjustments re-align your spine. This re-alignment puts your bones back in place so they’re no longer out of alignment. When you combine this with good nutrition and an ergonomic work area, you can alleviate the pain caused by the pinched nerve in your wrist without surgery.

If you’re in the Doylestown, PA area, come in and see Dr. Jeff McQuaite for carpal tunnel relief.

Does Your Back Ache?

Does Your Back Ache?

Winter’s been a bit hard on us this year and you know what that means. Snow shoveling and spills on the ice are happening all over Central Bucks and can leave you with a serious back ache. In fact, just the other day a new patient limped in after slipping on icy steps.

We did an x-ray to determine the extent of the damage and outline the treatment options. After hot/cold therapy and a chiropractic adjustment, he was back on his feet with a greater range of motion and less pain than he had when he entered. Plus, he’ll heal quicker.

Your Spine Affects Your Whole Body

Healthy SpineSlipping on ice can leave you feeling battered and bruised. It’s also sure to knock your spine out of alignment. That’s where chiropractic care can help. A chiropractor will assess your body for damage and adjust you so your spine is back in alignment. This will help you feel less stiff and be better able to regain your full range of motion just like my patient earlier in the week.

In chiropractic school, chiropractors study the 33 bones in your spinal column. They learn how each of these bones relate differently to the rest of your body and can affect your movements.

For instance, the 5 vertebrae that make up your lumbar region (lower back), are responsible for your ability to bend from side to side and forward as well as support your upper body. If one (or more) or these are out of alignment, you’ll feel pain and stiffness. Chiro care discovers the source and eliminates the pain so you can get on with your life.

Whether your back aches because of snow shoveling or you’ve slipped and hurt yourself, you don’t need to suffer.

Don’t suffer with a back ache, call your Doylestown chiropractor, Dr. Jeff McQuaite and reclaim your life!