295 Logan Street | Doylestown, Pa. 18901 | 267-247-7000
295 Logan Street | Doylestown, Pa. 18901


build a strong immune system Pandemic life is strange. All of our routines are disrupted and even simple things like going to the grocery store can feel like an epic undertaking.

It’s even stranger now that Spring is finally here. In Doylestown, Pa, the flowers are blooming and the weather is calling you to come out for a walk.  Walking in the fresh air is a good idea. It gets you out in the fresh air and sunshine and can lift your mood.

Building a strong immune system is a blend of healthy mental and physical habits. You know, the standard, get enough rest and eat your veggies type of habits.

Often, people blame their busy schedules for not prioritizing healthy habits like eating real food and exercising. If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably found your life on “pause” right now. It’s a scary time, full of uncertainty, and you may want to subsist on pasta and chips.

However, if you can make a choice to take a short walk and eat some vegetables and fruits, it’ll help.

Let’s consider your immune system. Designed to fight off disease naturally, it can keep you healthy. In fact, part of what natural health care like chiropractic and acupuncture do is help your body heal itself.

It’s possible to boost your immune system with healthy lifestyle choices. That doesn’t mean you won’t ever get sick, but it can mean you may be less at risk for illnesses.

The Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Build a Strong Immune System

There’s nothing radical in these habits. They’re pretty simple actually. Yet, simple doesn’t mean easy.

  • Get your rest
  • Eat a variety of fruits, veggies, and lean protein
  • Get outside during the day for sunshine. Sunshine is a natural mood booster
  • Don’t smoke
  • Maintain a healthy weight

Which of these do you already have as part of your daily life? Which can you add?

Some people find cooking therapeutic. Maybe you like making (and eating) all kinds of comfort food. No doubt, you deserve some comfort right now. And, can you work some healthy foods into your rotation?

Foods like asparagus and berries taste great and they’re even stress reducers. Check out this list of stress reducing foods. Because while it’s tempting to eat all the carbs, it’s not going to help you feel better later tonight or tomorrow.

The foods you choose to eat can also help you reduce inflammation. As you may know, chronic inflammation is linked to heart disease and other dangers, so include some anti-inflammatory foods like berries and garlic (not together!) in your meals.

What about exercise? It’s a proven mood booster and also helps reduce inflammation. If you’re looking for an at-home routine you can do during quarantine, check out our Facebook page where we’ve shared some workouts.

Or go to Youtube and type in an activity you enjoy. For example, “At home Zumba” will pull up thousands of videos.

Take it slow though. If you’re not used to exercising, don’t go full tilt and risk hurting yourself. Better to start with some gentle stretches and a short walk than overdo it.

None of these are rocket science, and that’s the good news. They’ll help you feel better now and later by building a healthy immune system. How can you incorporate them in your day today?