A chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which chiropractors use their hands and other objects to apply sudden force to the spinal joint.
Your chiropractor knows exactly where to apply the pressure so you feel maximum pain relief.
The purpose of a chiropractic adjustment is to correct the body’s alignment. When your spine is in correct alignment, you stand up straighter, feel less pain, have experience greater mobility.
Everyday life creates plenty of opportunities for your spine to be out of alignment. The way you stand, sit, carry things, past injuries, all of it contributes toward one foot turning out more than another, or a hip jutting out slightly. These are common and aren’t noticeable to most people.
However, a chiropractor knows what to look for and how these subtle body movements can impact the way you feel.
For example, imagine you have chronic neck and shoulder pain. After a few questions, it’s clear you need a better workspace and awareness of your posture while working at the computer. An ergonomic desk setup can work wonders for your pain relief.
A chiropractor’s goal is to gently realign your joints. By doing so, you experience a better range of motion. Adjustments are painless and many patients feel immediate pain relief.
A Chiropractic Adjustment Can Help:
Relieve chronic back pain
Carpal Tunnel symptoms
Neck pain
Even Allergies
Are chiropractic adjustments safe?
Licensed and experienced professionals perform chiropractic adjustments. Adjustments are considered safe when performed in the right setting and performed by a properly trained professional.
Research shows that serious events following a chiropractic adjustment are rare. Of course, while chiropractic adjustments are considered safe, they’re not recommended for patients with osteoporosis, spine cancer, spine deformities, and other serious conditions that require the patient to undergo surgery. If you are a patient who has any of the mentioned conditions, it is suggested that you consult with your general practitioner before scheduling your first chiropractic visit.
What does a chiropractic adjustment feel like?
If you are worried about pain—don’t worry, it won’t hurt. A safe and effective chiropractic adjustment is painless and quick. Depending on your level of tension there might be some level of discomfort, but the temporary discomfort will be worth the after. The minute tension you feel momentarily is worth it, especially for patients who come in with excruciating pain. You will feel an almost immediate sense of relief and a boost of mobility.
You may hear cracking and popping sounds as the chiropractor makes adjustments—don’t get nervous this is normal. If you have ever wondered why this popping or cracking occurs, the answer is simple. A suctioning force between two joints causes pressure, and once the air stuck between them is released, it causes the popping or cracking noise.
Think about the release of tension you feel when your back or neck unexpectedly crack. Now imagine how great it feels when a professional releases this unwanted tension from all over your body.
How long does a chiropractic adjustment last?
A typical chiropractic adjustment lasts 15-30 minutes. Your first visit will be a bit longer to cover your medical history and x-ray. Once Dr. Jeff assesses your body, he’ll suggest a treatment plan.
Many patients even choose to schedule adjustments during their lunch breaks as they are brief and refreshing. Be prepared to schedule multiple sessions. Although you will feel great after each session; for long-term results, you will need to schedule multiple visits.
If you’d like to see how a chiropractic adjustment can help you feel better and reduce chronic pain, please visit us in Doylestown, Pa. You can even take an office tour here.
If you’ve ever said (or thought), “you’re getting on my nerves,” you might be onto something. In all seriousness, when something presses on your nerve, it does hurt. And, while your relatives can’t actually press your nerves, another body part can.
That’s what causes a pinched nerve. Usually brought on by repetition, people suffer with pinched nerves because bones, tendons, or cartilage is out of place. These other body parts press on the nerve and compress it. It causes tingling and pain. You might even find yourself wincing as you hit the tennis ball or the letters on the keyboard.
The Raw Facts of a Pinched Nerve
When you think about it makes sense. Just as a pinch of your skin can hurt, pinched nerves are really quite similar. However, instead of fingers compressing skin together, it’s cartilage, tendons, bone, or muscles that cause the pinching. Something is out of alignment. They’re usually found in your upper or lower back or your neck. However, you can also have a pinched nerve in your leg or buttock.
Then again, it may not be painful, but exhibit other symptoms.
4 Symptoms of Pinched Nerves
Tingling (like when your foot falls asleep)
Shooting pain when you exercise or engage in the activity that’s causing it (such as typing)
Muscle weakness (loss of grip strength for example.)
Sometimes, rest and over-the-counter remedies eliminate the pain. Regular stretches can help too. For computer warriors, ergonomically friendly desks and chairs will help keep you from hunching over. Also, being aware of your posture and standing (or sitting) up straight can help because slouching and hunching over knocks your body out of alignment which can make pinched nerve pain worse.
The causes of a pinched nerve usually stem from things like an accident, repetitive stress injury, being overweight, or rheumatoid arthritis. While the causes can be different, the pain is the same and you deserve to feel better.
Why Surgery Isn’t Always the Answer
If you are in pain with your pinched nerve you’re not alone. One statistic says 31 days a year of work are lost to pain around pinched nerves and carpal tunnel. That’s a lot of time in pain! Besides the recovery time and general anxiety of surgery for a pinched nerve, it’s not always effective. In fact, many patients find themselves undergoing surgery more than once to try to alleviate their pain. You probably don’t want to do that and there’s no requirement to do it.
Massage therapy, chiropractic care, and yoga can help you be pain-free without surgery. Better yet, unlike surgery and pills, chiropractic care can help your body to heal itself! Because these methods help your body return to its natural state of health.
In Doylestown, Pa. Dr. Jeff McQuaite can help you reduce your pinched nerve pain. He’ll start with an x-ray to see inside your body and then talk with you about your options. It’s wonderful to skip the surgery and relieve your pain! Schedule your appointment today and get on the path to feeling your best.
Just like Newton’s apple, fell to gravity, so can your body. Ok, we all know things start to sag as we get older, even your spine. 33 bones make up your spine. Add in the discs, tendons, nerves, and gravity compressing everything together and it’s no wonder it can take a while to find the source of your back pain.
Perhaps you have sciatica or degenerative disc disease. Sometimes the medical establishment recommends surgery for such back pain. Yet, surgery is not a magic bullet, it has a long recovery time, and it might not work.
Wouldn’t you prefer surgery-free relief? Spinal decompression can offer you back pain relief without the surgery.
Just as it sounds, nonsurgical spinal decompression is an alternative to surgery. It uses a special table to elongate your spine. Since compression can be the source of your back pain, this is a way to reverse time and gravity. This table relieves pressure on herniated discs and other spine problems so you feel relief.
Imagine lying on the decompression table and having it resist your muscles and slowly help stretch them. It relieves the pressure on your discs and so you feel relief. After a few sessions, you may find your back pain gone.
Of course, each treatment plan is customized to your medical history. As a chiropractor, Dr. Jeff will run an x-ray to better understand your spine and what’s going on in your body. From there, he can make recommendations.
What to Expect:
Fully clothed, you lie on a computer-controlled table. The doctor straps you in and operates the computer according to your needs. You may get hot and cold therapy, electrical stimulation (this causes the muscles to contract), or ultrasound (sound therapy that generates heat).
You can also try a few simple exercises for back pain relief now and in between your decompression sessions.
Three Exercises for Back Pain Relief
Use an exercise ball – lie back on it and roll around gently. This helps open your shoulders and upper back which often are hunched over after hours at the computer. If you have mild back pain, this may be enough for you.
Do “wall dog” – if you ever played sports, this will probably look familiar. Put your hands on the wall, step back about 3 feet and bend over until you’re parallel to the wall. Keep your back flat as you stretch out your shoulders and back.
Walk – Walking on a regular basis can help strengthen your back and relieve some back pain.
Spinal Decompression Can Help You If:
You’ve had failed back surgery
You want to avoid surgery but are told you need it
Have tried other options (massage therapy, acupuncture, traditional chiropractic care) without the results you want
However, if you have fused discs, have osteoporosis, or a recent spinal fracture, spinal decompression is not for you.
If you’d like to learn more about surgery-free spinal decompression in Doylestown PA and if it can help you find that needed back pain relief, call us today at 267-247-7000. You deserve to feel your best!
If you suffer from neck or back pain, you’re not alone.60-80% of adults do and some of it is debilitating. If your neck or back pain feels chronic, you might be a perfect candidate for spinal decompression.
What is Spinal Decompression?
Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment It’s used primarily to treat disc injuries in the neck and lower back. For example, chiropractors often work with patients on this gentle spinal stretching.
According to Dr. Murray Johnston DC, BSC in the Journal of Neuroimaging Volume 8, Number 2 1998, spinal decompression serves two functions:
It “sucks” in herniated discs or bulges so they’re back in their rightful place
Thickens and heals the disc
The spinal decompression procedure is gentle. Your chiropractor uses tools and techniques to gently separate the vertebrae from each other. This creates a vacuum inside the discs. Some call this “vacuum effect” a negative intra-discal pressure. While back pain relief may not be immediate, these microscopic separations happen over time (usually 4 to 6 weeks). The end results can be quite dramatic after 10 to 30 sessions.
Spinal Decompression Therapy was developed by Allan E. Dyer, Ph.D., M.D. It’s widely recognized as the only effective and non-surgical treatment for back and neck pain. This includes severe cases of disc herniation, degeneration, arthritis, stenosis, and pressure on the nerve. When patients follow directions and fulfill treatment, spinal decompression has an 86% success rate. Spinal Decompression has FDA clearance.
How Does Spinal Decompression Work?
According to the American Spinal Decompression Association (ASDA), “The patient lies comfortably on his/her back or stomach on the decompression table with a set of nicely padded straps snug around the waist and another set around the lower chest.” The patient undergoes the procedure fully clothed on this computer-controlled table.
Firstly, each treatment lasts about 30 to 45 minutes and consists of 20 to 28 treatments over 5 to 7 weeks. Treatment sessions may also include electric stimulation, ultrasound, thermotherapy (heat), and cryotherapy (cold) before, during, or after each session. Proper patient screening is imperative and objectives for treatment must be clear between patient and doctor for treatment to be successful.
According to Spine-Health, “Not everyone with a bulging disc is a candidate for decompression (traction). ” Treatment requires soft tissue muscle work to relax deep core muscles to reduce the body’s reflex reaction to guard. In case you were thinking otherwise, you do want to consult with a trained medical practitioner. They’ll help you determine the best course of treatment.
After consultation and or treatment with your chiropractor, you can adapt spinal decompression for your own home. As you may guess, successful home treatment requires following a set of prescribed exercises. Your chiropractor will help you with resources.
In Doylestown, Pa., and surrounding areas, Dr. Jeff McQuaite successfully treats patients for spinal decompression. Call to book your appointment today at 267-247-7000.
“Stand up straight!” It’s the refrain of parents everywhere. Whether slumped over their phones to heavy backpacks, today’s kids are at risk of all types of back and neck pain.
Backpack safety is something to consider. Dr. Jeff McQuaite of McQuaite Chiropractic-Doylestown has long been a champion of lighter backpacks for student’s safety.
The reason why is heavy backpacks can cause long-term back, neck, and shoulder pain.
Several studies link weighty backpacks with persistent back, neck, and shoulder problems in students from elementary school to college. Research suggests that children with back pain often develop chronic symptoms lasting into adulthood, making it all the more important to tackle back and neck pain early in life.
According to Lisa A. Haney, Director of Rehabilitation Services at Pennsylvania Hospital, “More than 40 million U.S. students carry backpacks, and most of them are unaware that overloading them or carrying them incorrectly can set them up for a lifetime of problems,” says Ms. Haney. “It’s up to parents, teachers, and schools to help spread the word about backpack safety and help our kids lighten their loads.”
Such an overloaded backpack sends upwards of 8000 children to hospital emergency rooms many years.
A 2004 study from the University of California showed that 64% of students between ages 11-15 reported back pain from their backpacks, with 21% reporting the pain lasted more than 6 months. Two studies from Boston University showed that 84% of students reported pain and discomfort from backpack usage. Another study published in Work Magazine revealed that 31% of the students reported having difficulty participating in activities as a result of pain. Nearly 25% of students reported having difficulty carrying their books during school because of pain, and 19% reported having difficulty playing sports. To carry your essentials, you should look into thebest backpacks for school to help make your choice easier.
It’s Not Just Backaches
Dr. McQuaite notes “Each year, I grow more concerned as I see more and more children with problems associated with backpacks. Complaints include back pain, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and numbness in the arms and hands. Studies show a direct connection to these problems with overloaded and ill-fitted backpacks. The body is trying to compensate for the change caused by the backpack’s added weight. The spine in particular can be affected as it bends and twists to reposition this added backpack weight. When this happens pain usually results.”
There are other problems associated with backpack overload too. Called “Cervicobrachial syndrome and or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”, a heavily loaded backpack causes the shoulder straps to compress delicate nerves, arteries, and veins passing underneath. This can lead to numbness and tingling in the arms.
Dr. McQuaite says “A lot of these problems can be addressed by using proper body mechanics. While they may not be “cool”, it will help prevent the possibility of long term damage.”
In an effort to cut down on the number of these injuries, Dr. McQuaite offers parents the following backpack safety advice
10 Backpack Safety Tips
Never let a child carry more than 10-15% of his or her body weight in the backpack.
Load the heaviest items closest to the child’s back and arrange books and materials to prevent them from sliding.
Always wear both shoulder straps. Wearing only one strap can cause a child to lean to one side, curving the spine and causing pain or discomfort.
Select a pack with well-padded shoulder straps. Too much pressure on the shoulders and necks can cause pain and tingling.
Adjust the shoulder straps so that the pack fits snugly to the child’s back. The bottom of the pack should rest in the curve of the lower back. The backpack should never be more than four inches below the child’s waistline.
Use the waist belt, if the backpack has one, to help distribute the pack’s weight more evenly.
Check what your child carries to school and brings home to make sure the items are necessary to the day’s activities.
If the backpack is too heavy, consider using a book bag on wheels if your child’s school allows it.
Choose the right size pack for your child’s back as well as one with enough room for necessary school items.
If a student is experiencing back pain or neck soreness, consult your physician or chiropractor.
The Benefits of Ergonomics
If your child isn’t carrying a backpack but is taking classes online, you want to make sure they maintain good posture during computer time. Setting up anergonomic workstation for your child will help them remain pain-free. Otherwise, they’re at risk for similar injuries such as back, shoulder, and neck pain. Ergonomics is simply about the ability to maintain good posture with a computer screen, keyboard, and chair at the right height. It extends to backpacks and “text neck.”
Dr. McQuaite also points out that parents shouldn’t put a child’s name on the outside of a backpack, for safety reasons: When the child is walking home from school, you don’t want a predator to be able to call him or her by name.
He also recommends that parents put their child’s contact information somewhere in the bag, just in case anything happens to them.
Backpack Safety is critical for the long-term health of your child. Help your student have a terrific year and skip the backpack pain.