What is Family Chiropractic Care?

What is Family Chiropractic Care?

family chiropractic careYou may be aware that chiropractic care can relieve back pain.

However, you may not be aware of the full range of chiropractic care for everything from asthma relief to carpal tunnel syndrome. In fact, family chiropractic care goes way beyond back pain and can truly benefit everyone in your family.

  • Colicky infants
  • Teens with allergies
  • Adults with back pain

The reason chiropractic care has such a wide range of benefits is that it treats your entire body by re aligning your spine which affects your entire nervous system.

You’re probably aware that your spine runs from your neck to your lower back, from there, your sciatic nerve runs down either leg. That’s why leg pain can stem from your lower back.

Your spine connects your entire body. So, how you feel relates directly to it. Keeping it in good working form is essential to your overall health and that’s why family chiropractic care can benefit every family member.

For example, let’s look at chiropractic care for pregnancy.

Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Women

It’s no secret that your body changes drastically when you’re pregnant. The extra weight in your belly causes you to stand differently which can put increased pressure on your joints and/or cause lower back pain. Plus, your pelvis tilts.

It all adds up to a posture change which typically pushes vertebrae out of place where they can rest on a nerve and..ouch. This misalignment can also affect your brain causing you be forgetful and feel foggy. Regular chiropractic adjustments realign your spine so these vertebrae are put back into place and you feel better.

When it comes to your newborn baby, they can benefit from pediatric chiropractic care too. Journal of Manual Medicine examined 1000 newborns and found 119 of them had imbalances in the spine and nerves that could be corrected by gentle chiropractic care.

Left untreated, these imbalances can contribute to colic, tonsillitis, allergies, asthma, ADD/ADHD and even seizures. If you have a fussy baby, a chiropractor experienced in pediatrics may be able to help.

Chiro care can even benefit those with allergies or asthma.

Chiropractic Care for Allergies and Asthma 

You may not realize that allergies and asthma are a result of a lowered immunity system. In fact, what happens, is if you come into contact with pollen for example, it can trigger sneezing, watery eyes and the other symptoms of allergies which is your bodies’ way of going into overdrive to protect you.

You may have heard of a “chemical cascade.” When you have an allergy attack, your body releases the antibodies immunoglobulin E (IgE.) These antibodies cascade through your body in order to neutralize the pollen or other allergy trigger. As a result, you experience the itchy eyes and all the other symptoms.

Yet, you know your spine is connected to your entire body. When you get regular chiropractic adjustments, it re aligns your spine so that not only do you feel better, but it also boosts your immunity. That means you may be able to rid you and your family of allergies and asthma all together.

As you can see, chiropractic adjustments can do far more than simply reduce back or shoulder pain. It can yelp you and your family at every stage of life.

Here at McQuaite Chiropractic, we have a special family chiropractic deal to help keep your family healthy and save you money. Make your appointment today! 








How A Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica Can Help You Find Relief

How A Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica Can Help You Find Relief

According to the Mayo Clinic, sciatica affects nNervous Systemearly 3 million Americans. If you’re one of them, you’re familiar with the pain that starts in your lower back and radiates down one of your legs and boy does it hurt!

You also probably know that long periods of sitting can trigger the pain and tingling sensations. That’s because sciatica is usually related to a compression of the sciatic nerve in the spine due to a herniated disc or bone spur. As you can imagine, if you have a herniated disc in your lower spine and it’s pressing on your sciatic nerve, the sitting position could be painful.

The good news is that you can treat sciatica without invasive surgery. Many people find relief within a few visits to the chiropractor.

Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica

In Doylestown, PA, Dr. Jeff McQuaite x-rays problem areas for all new patients. This lets him see what’s going on in your body so he can better prescribe a treatment plan that works for you. He also reviews your medical history. After all, if you really have arthritis in the spine, that requires a different approach than a herniated disc.

You may realize chiropractic care is a series of micro adjustments that re aligns your spinal column to reduce pressure on adjoining tissue and nerves that become compressed when vertebrae get out of alignment.

The primary way a chiropractic treatment for sciatica works is through a series of spinal manipulations which re aligns your vertebrae and takes the pressure off any nerves. When you have bones or muscles that are out of alignment, they’re typically resting on a nerve or “pinching” it causing pain.

Not only is it painful, your body has developed this new posture. The chiropractic adjustment “puts everything back” into proper alignment so nothing is “pinching” your nerve. That’s why so many people find relief after their chiropractic visit.

As you may know, chiropractic treatments reduce inflammation which both reduces your pain as well as helps your body heal faster.

You may find combining chiropractic care with massage therapy helps because while your chiropractor realigns your bones and tendons, massage realigns your muscles. The two work in tandem to help your body stay in alignment rather than in pain.

If you’re ready to try chiropractic treatments for sciatic pain and you’re in the Doylestown area, why not give us a try? You deserve to feel better!



Prevent Spring Cleaning Injuries By Doing This

Prevent Spring Cleaning Injuries By Doing This

Have you ever felt sore after doing seasonal yard work? Have you ever pulled a muscle dragging those fallen leaves to the curb?

Unfortunately, spring cleaning injuries are pretty common. In fact, every year more than 21 million people end up in the emergency room.

Sprains, tendonitis, serious cuts and even fractures are common during seasonal cleanups. So, what’s a homeowner to do? Well, you can certainly hire out seasonal yard work and inside cleaning jobs. But if you’re a do-it-yourselfer, there are a few ways you can protect yourself so that you don’t end up in pain or in the emergency room.

Here’s The Number One Way to Prevent Spring Cleaning Injuries

Take it small bits at a time rather than embarking on a mammoth clean up all at once. Anyone who spends 5-8 hours on a weekend day raking, scrubbing and doing all the other tasks that go along with seasonal cleaning is risking injury – unless you’re already a highly active person.

Think about it, if you’re like most Americans, you drive to work, you sit at a computer and you drive home and sit some more in front of the TV or on your tablet. Even if you get the daily recommended 30 minutes a day of exercise, that’s still a lot of sitting.

So to go from a sedentary life to a day of active cleaning is kind of like lacing up your shoes to run a 10K the first time you take up running.

It’s far better to do break up your spring cleaning into 30-60 minutes stretches over several days if you can.

And of course, before you get started make sure you do a few warm up stretches. Bend over and touch your toes. Reach your hands to the sky and do a few bends from side to side. Put your hands on your waist and twist a few times. Spend 10-15 minutes warming up gently and you’ll be at less risk for spring cleaning injuries.

It’s also critical to enlist help for bigger projects. Whether you need to move heavy items or climb ladders a helper can reduce the strain on your body and help prevent falls. It turns out that falls are a serious source of spring cleaning injuries. Bissell offer cordless vacuum cleaners, reducing the chance of tripping and causing injury.

So, enlist help, do less in smaller bits and warm up before attempting active clean ups.

If you do feel sore or have tweaked your back a good massage or your chiropractor may be able to help you feel better again.

What will you do to prevent spring cleanup injuries this season?