Allergies and Asthma

Treat Allergies and Asthma With Chiropractic Care

Wheezing, Sniffling, Sneezing. No, these are not some of the dwarves, but just a few of the many symptoms that local allergy sufferers experience this time of year. 25% of the Central Bucks population suffers from allergies. A walk in the park, a shrimp dinner, a tiny peanut or even your pet can cause your eyes to tear up and your head to grow foggy. If you suffer from allergies, chances are you take antihistamines, but have you thought about seeing a Chiropractor?

Seasonal Allergies Chiropractor

Why Allergies?

You may question why is it that other people appear to be so unaffected by the environment, while your body reacts, or rather overreacts to it. It’s a valid question.

Allergic responses are caused by a hyperactive immune system that “freaks out” when confronted with commonplace foods and other products such as pollen, dust, dander, shellfish or nuts.

Can Chiropractic Help ?

Have you been wondering if chiropractic can help with your allergies or asthma?

Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., Northwestern University Medical College: “Traditional medicine has no cure for allergies, only treatment” and “You can depend on most doctors to largely ignore the cause…unfortunately, their treatment is often worse than the disease, especially since the relatively safe folk measures of yesteryear have been replaced by the sophisticated, dangerous drugs of modern medicine.”

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research: A study of 81 asthmatic children, 73 showed significant improvement after chiropractic adjustments, 25 voluntarily decreased their medication by an average of 67% and others were shown to have increased lung volume after chiropractic care. Another study showed that patients with chronic pulmonary disease, 90% reported improvement after spinal manipulations.

The fact is that many people have experienced relief from their allergy symptoms after receiving a chiropractic treatment. The reason why, however, may surprise you because chiropractors don’t actually treat allergies! The reason for this is because chiropractic manipulations affects the complete nervous system, including the autoimmune system. When there is an impedance in the nervous system, along with other problems, the autoimmune system, whose job it is to assist us in adapting and responding appropriately to our environment, can be underactive or overactive. The problem is the latter when it comes to your allergies.

Because chiropractic manipulations lessen or remove disturbances in the nervous system and bring the body back into balance and harmony, the treatment provides that same balance and harmony to the auto-immune system as well. A healthy immune system reacts appropriately to supposed allergens in the environment…….

……….Stop suffering with allergies and asthma and stop in today for a consultation.

Seasonal Allergies