If you’re one of the millions who spend long hours at the computer, you may suffer with pain in your wrist, fingers, and/or shoulder. The repetitive motions of computer keystrokes can lead to a pinched nerve in the wrist known as carpal tunnel syndrome.
This pinched nerve can lead to painful tingling in the fingers, and a shooting pain right up to the shoulder. You may even see swelling in your hand or fingers.
So what can you do?
Since you probably aren’t able to stop using the computer, you can manage your pain with a combination of an ergonomic workstation, an anti-inflammatory diet and heat therapy. Chiropractic care helps for many people too.
Is Your Work Area Optimal for You?
In order to prevent and manage this carpal tunnel syndrome, make sure your computer work area is adjusted for your height. Your computer monitor should be at eye level. If you find yourself looking down to type for hours a day, that puts a strain on your neck that can cause pain in your back, your shoulder and ultimately, your arm, wrist and hand.
Make sure your chair supports your back and helps you to sit with good posture. If you’re slumped over all day, that will lead to low energy (because you’re not breathing deeply and evenly) plus, it can lead to back pain.
Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Inflammation is the body’s way of healing itself. If you’re in feeling pain or see swelling that’s your body’s way of sending chemicals to the affected area to try and heal it. Chronic inflammation can make it worse. Certain foods like broccoli, bell peppers and other vegetables will help lower your inflammation levels.
How Can Chiropractic Care Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Regular chiropractic adjustments re-align your spine. This re-alignment puts your bones back in place so they’re no longer out of alignment. When you combine this with good nutrition and an ergonomic work area, you can alleviate the pain caused by the pinched nerve in your wrist without surgery.
If you’re in the Doylestown, PA area, come in and see Dr. Jeff McQuaite for carpal tunnel relief.